Gut basthorst vicky leandros biography

Vicky leandros eurovision 1967

Sie heißt Milana Freifrau von Ruffin, ist die älteste Tochter des ehemaligen Gutsherren Enno Freiherr von Ruffin (65) und seiner Ex-Frau Vicky Leandros.

gut basthorst vicky leandros biography

Wie alt ist vicky leandros

Last Sunday, May 30th Vicky Leandros gave a spectacular concert on her former estate "Gut Basthorst”, just outside Hamburg in the village Basthorst.

Vicky leandros 1972

Enno von Ruffin took ownership of Gut Basthorst, a country estate, in , a few years before marrying Vicky.

Leandros space marine 2
Vicky Leandros made her greatest success and the step to global stardom in She took part again for Luxembourg in the "Grand Prix d''Eurovision de la Chanson" and won the Missing: gut basthorst.