Charles henri ford poems for funerals
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The Charles Henri Ford papers consist of typescript and holograph manuscripts, correspondence, postcards, clippings, photographs, financial documents, contracts, invitations, page proofs, Missing: funerals.
Charles henri ford poems for funerals
"This edition is limited to copies in paper wrappers; hardcover copies numbered & signed by the poet; & 26 lettered copies handbound in boards by Earle Gray, signed & each Missing: funerals.
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Poems for Painters was published by View Editions in , followed by The Half-Thoughts in and Sleep in a Nest of Flames in , which included a foreword by Edith g: funerals.
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He published more than a dozen collections of poetry, exhibited his artwork in Europe and the United States, edited the Surrealist magazine View (–) in New York City, and Missing: funerals.